High Speed Internet: Never Fast Enough | Nine Four Ventures
‘In the “amenities arm race” of the multifamily industry, one often overlooked amenity is providing reliable, fast internet to residents. Internet needs to work immediately when a resident moves in to their new home.’
10 Years After Airbnd, Real Estate Developers See The Money In Home-Sharing | Forbes
“Multifamily owners and developers are faced with constant operational and leasing challenges, and finding partners such as Stay Alfred that increase efficiencies in both are very welcome,” ~ Kurt Ramirez | Nine Four Ventures
Tiny Rooms Shared Kitchen: Co-Living On The Rise In Big Cities | WSJ
‘Co-living, a budding real-estate trend often derided as an extension of college dorm life, may be growing up.’
Working From Home Never Looked So Good | Bisnow
‘Loneliness is cited in the Buffer survey as the No. 1 problem with remote work. The convenience and flexibility of working from home but with other people may be the sweet spot, and filling that need for residents can serve as an amenity for apartment owners.’
11 Real Estate Pros Share The Technology Shifts That Have Changed The Way They Work | Forbes
‘Technological developments in the last 10 to 20 years have impacted the business world in many ways, significantly altering the way nearly every industry operates. Even real estate has enjoyed numerous game-changing technologies, from online listing platforms to e-signature options.’