Nine Four Insights

Co-living Heat Map

Co-living provides an affordable, convenient and managed housing solution in the best locations for those renters moving to cities who are cost conscious and with no community base.  At Nine Four, we are excited for the promising growth and value this space offers.

The Problem: More people are moving to urban areas faster and with less savings than before. Wages have not kept up with rising costs and new housing supply has lagged increasing demand.

The Solution: Co-living spreads costs across multiple tenants creating more affordable rent, provides a convenient tenant experience with managed value added services and offers curated, pre-vetted housemates in the best urban locations.

The Business model: Rental income is the core revenue driver, however two go-to-market strategies with different cost structures impact speed to market and margins: 1) master lease and 2) development.

Here, we’ve highlighted the industry’s key players.

*Funding Source: Crunchbase 6.13.19

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